Wmsudo activation

Hi, I’m a teacher preparing a shell Bash activity for my (@ home) students…
I love your webminal service ! It’s perfect to practise online.
For my first activity, /common_pool is quite sufficient to share a file with them but for my second activity about rights and permissions, it would be nice if I could run wmsudo and create a group in which I will add my students.
My login is tomduf, and I asked to all my students to create an account with our school mail @palissy.fr.
Thanks a lot and take care

La Rochelle

Hello Thomas,

I love your webminal service ! It’s perfect to practise online.

Thanks :slight_smile: Glad to hear webminal is helpful for you.

Right, /common_pool allows sharing file between different users.

wmsudo provides new platform with partial sudo rights, here you can perform basic admin commands like useradd etc. If your students need wmsudo to practise access rights and permission. Please let us know their usernames. We will enable access for them.

Thank you! Stay safe.


Thanks a lot Lakshmipathi !


Can I get premission of wmsudo

Username: cmathieu

I relied to your other thread. thanks!

Hi, please provide me the access to wmsudo to run my c program. My username is soujanya12

soujanya veeraneni