Run a player or a program as desktop background - xwinwrap

Run a player or a program as desktop background. More information: GitHub - ujjwal96/xwinwrap: My fork of xwinwrap. Xwinwrap allows you to stick most of the apps to your desktop background..

  • Run a video using mpv:

xwinwrap -b -nf -ov -- {{mpv}} -wid {{wid}} --loop --no-audio --no-resume-playback --panscan={{1.0}} {{path/to/video.mp4}}

  • Run a video in fullscreen using mpv:

xwinwrap -b -nf -fs -ov -- {{mpv}} -wid {{wid}} --loop --no-audio --no-resume-playback --panscan={{1.0}} {{path/to/video.mp4}}

  • Run a video using mpv with 80% opacity:

xwinwrap -b -nf -ov -o 0.8 --- {{mpv}} -wid {{wid}} --loop --no-audio --no-resume-playback --panscan={{1.0}} {{path/to/video.mp4}}

  • Run a video using mpv in a second monitor 1600x900 with 1920 offset on X-axis:

xwinwrap -g 1600x900+1920 -b -nf -ov -- {{mpv}} -wid {{wid}} --loop --no-audio --no-resume-playback --panscan={{1.0}} {{path/to/video.mkv}}