Sudo command

Can I have access to sudo command! The reason is becuse I want to retrieve some of my files.

Sorry, this will be difficult process even with root access. Did you delete files from your home? Are these text files ?

The files are created with vi editor, The fact of the matter these files are shell srcripts just for practice. I put these files at ~ directory. You know in old days we used to have special program for recovery files. Anyway thank you for help.

vim editor sometimes create .swp/.swo files. I can see some hidden files on your home. can you check them and see whether you can salvage something?

ls -la 

Is this the right place to ask for wmsudo so I can execute some C programs? My username is spacealien

Also, what are the chances that you can update your Python from version 2 to version 3?


Sorry for late reply. Markis, let me know your username. Will update your wmsudo access. I’ll look into python3 upgrade.

Can you please give me wmsudo acess too?
Username: revengespammer

Its enabled, please login thanks.

I think I need wmsudo access as well as I am also trying to work with crontab. My username is mmalizia