Verify fingerprints against the database - fprintd-verify

Verify fingerprints against the database. More information:

  • Verify all stored fingerprints for the current user:


  • Verify a specific fingerprint for the current user:

fprintd-verify --finger {{left-thumb|left-index-finger|left-middle-finger|left-ring-finger|left-little-finger|right-thumb|right-index-finger|right-middle-finger|right-ring-finger|right-little-finger}}

  • Verify fingerprints for a specific user:

fprint-verify {{username}}

  • Verify a specific fingerprint for a specific user:

fprintd-verify --finger {{finger_name}} {{username}}

  • Fail the process if a fingerprint doesn’t match with ones stored in the database for the current user:

fprint-verify --g-fatal-warnings

  • Display help:

fprintd-verify --help